Beyond the usual suspects for healthy resolutions
Early in the new year, promises to reboot your health typically focus on diet, exercise, and weight loss. And by now you may have begun…
An action plan to fight unhealthy inflammation
Although inflammation serves a vital role in the body’s defense and repair systems, chronic inflammation can cause more harm than good. And that may make…
A liquid biopsy for metastatic prostate cancer
Metastatic prostate cancer can progress in different ways. In some men the disease advances rapidly, while other men have slower-growing cancer and a better prognosis.…
Is the portfolio diet the best diet ever?
News flash: What we eat can play a pivotal role in warding off — or treating — disease and enhancing quality of life. You may…
Let’s not call it cancer
Roughly one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives, but these cancers usually aren’t life-threatening. Most newly…
Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?
Quick health quiz: how bad is inflammation for your body? You’re forgiven if you think inflammation is very bad. News sources everywhere will tell you…
No-cost, low-cost, and bigger splurges for climate-conscious gifts
Looking for gifts to give or donate this year? Climate-conscious gifts come in many guises. They may directly support our environment, for example, or aim…
Life can be challenging: Build your own resilience plan
Nantucket, a beautiful, 14-mile-long island off the coast of Massachusetts, has a 40-point resiliency plan to help withstand the buffeting seas surrounding it as climate…
Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
Cheers! Salud! Prost! Drinking to one’s health is a common tradition. But it may also be self-defeating: the alcohol that’s part of many toasts can…
New surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia provides long-lasting benefits
Most men over 50 will develop an enlarged prostate. Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), this bothersome condition makes it hard to urinate and can…